ICAAT organizes content according to topic. You can share information about upcoming events within the Tech Forum community groups, including the ability to add links and attachments. To post an event to a group, you must join or log in to the Tech Forum community.
1. From the Tech Forum Home page, click on Community in the main menu and view the group where you would like to post a resource.
Note: Select the group topic where you expect there will be most interest in your event. If you think people in other groups might also be interested in the event, you can add those at the end of the posting.
2. On the group page, find box on the right labeled Participate. In that box, you'll see the words Share Content. Click on + Event.
3. Create a name for the event.
4. Indicate a start date and an end date for the event.
5. Type a description of the event in the text box.
6. Select your Event Type.
7. Select your Event Topic(s).
8. Optional: Add a related website.
9. Optional: Add any necessary attachments.
10. Optional: Check off one or more additional groups to see your posting by checking off the group under Post to additional group(s).
11. Click Save to post your event.
Note: All posted events will be automatically added to the Events calendar once the item is "Saved".