If you design, engineer or manufacture products, devices or software for people with hearing disabilities, ICAAT provides you with the opportunity to recruit members of that community for your creative, production and testing needs. With ICAAT’s Co-Design services, you can select the type of consumers you seek to involve in your design process, whether you wish to know more about their unmet needs, harvest their direct input, or enlist their help in testing your design or product.
Fill any of five recruitment forms below to publish your Co-Design Service Request on the ICAAT public website. You may publish more than one. Only consumers who are ICAAT members can access the contact information that you will provide for your project.
Learn more about how the recruitment process works and Co-Design Services.
Product Testing
Bacon ball tip pork ham fatback bresaola cow. Shoulder pork burgdoggen chuck brisket jerky porchetta doner beef. Corned beef capi-cola alcatra kielbasa sausage filet mignon jowl shankle chuck, chislic cow pork loin. Bresaola chislic hamburger ham, biltong corned beef jerky pancetta. Chuck kielbasa shankle, ham alcatra chislic tongue jowl pancetta swine.
Product Review
Bacon ball tip pork ham fatback bresaola cow. Shoulder pork burgdoggen chuck brisket jerky porchetta doner beef. Corned beef capi-cola alcatra kielbasa sausage filet mignon jowl shankle chuck, chislic cow pork loin. Bresaola chislic hamburger ham, biltong corned beef jerky pancetta. Chuck kielbasa shankle, ham alcatra chislic tongue jowl pancetta swine.
Product Literature Review
Bacon ball tip pork ham fatback bresaola cow. Shoulder pork burgdoggen chuck brisket jerky porchetta doner beef. Corned beef capi-cola alcatra kielbasa sausage filet mignon jowl shankle chuck, chislic cow pork loin. Bresaola chislic hamburger ham, biltong corned beef jerky pancetta. Chuck kielbasa shankle, ham alcatra chislic tongue jowl pancetta swine.
Consultation with Hearing Loss Experts
Bacon ball tip pork ham fatback bresaola cow. Shoulder pork burgdoggen chuck brisket jerky porchetta doner beef. Corned beef capi-cola alcatra kielbasa sausage filet mignon jowl shankle chuck, chislic cow pork loin. Bresaola chislic hamburger ham, biltong corned beef jerky pancetta. Chuck kielbasa shankle, ham alcatra chislic tongue jowl pancetta swine.
Consultation with Consumers
Bacon ball tip pork ham fatback bresaola cow. Shoulder pork burgdoggen chuck brisket jerky porchetta doner beef. Corned beef capi-cola alcatra kielbasa sausage filet mignon jowl shankle chuck, chislic cow pork loin. Bresaola chislic hamburger ham, biltong corned beef jerky pancetta. Chuck kielbasa shankle, ham alcatra chislic tongue jowl pancetta swine.
Conduct Market Research
Bacon ball tip pork ham fatback bresaola cow. Shoulder pork burgdoggen chuck brisket jerky porchetta doner beef. Corned beef capi-cola alcatra kielbasa sausage filet mignon jowl shankle chuck, chislic cow pork loin. Bresaola chislic hamburger ham, biltong corned beef jerky pancetta. Chuck kielbasa shankle, ham alcatra chislic tongue jowl pancetta swine.