Groups related to Communication -- In-person
Discover AuraCast with Tom Kaufman
In this HLAA Boston Chapter meeting, discover how the emergence of Auracast, a groundbreaking Bluetooth technology, can revolutionize hearing accessibility. This session delves into Auracast's potential for direct-to-hearing-aid streaming and how it complements existing hearing loop systems.
2024 M-Enabling Summit
The M-Enabling Summit is the annual conference and showcase of the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ict), held in Washington, DC, to promote accessible technologies and environments for persons with disabilities and older persons. The M-Enabling Summit has established itself as the leading global conference and showcase covering the fast-moving…
2024 M-Enabling Summit
The M-Enabling Summit is the annual conference and showcase of the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ict), held in Washington, DC, to promote accessible technologies and environments for persons with disabilities and older persons. The M-Enabling Summit has established itself as the leading global conference and showcase covering the fast-moving…
IP CTS: Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service
Submitted by Neil Snyder on
Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS) is used by persons with hearing loss who can speak and have some residual hearing. Like CTS, it allows the user to simultaneously listen to the other party and read the captions of what the other party in a telephone conversation is saying. IP CTS uses the Internet – rather than the telephone network – to provide the link and captions between…
ALDAcon is the annual convention of the Association of Late-Deafened Adults (ALDA). It is held in various cities around the country. ALDAcon provides an opportunity to learn about issues late-deafened individuals face, and the strategies that they have developed to overcome everyday challenges. ALDAcon provides a stress-free environment where all workshops, luncheons, and special events are made…
The LEAD® Conference
As an integral part of the Kennedy Center’s Access/VSA International Network, the Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability (LEAD) program advances the full inclusion of people with disabilities in arts and culture. With a focus on expanding the breadth and scope of accessible programming, LEAD provides an opportunity for professionals in the field to develop best practices and resources; engage…
Group Conversations: Who is speaking?
Submitted by Gary England on
Conversations in group settings can be a challenge for individuals with hearing loss. Someone starts talking about a subject and at some point another person may ask a question or add information about that topic. Another person may ask a different question or introduce an entirely different topic. The discussions can change from topic to topic and back again. Oftentimes, people with hearing loss…
#DidYouKnow: The Americans with Disabilities Act has an official website -
Submitted by ICAAT Tech Forum on is the official website of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), operated by the U.S. Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division. It serves as a hub for information on the ADA, which is a law that protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination in many areas of public life, such as employment, transportation, public accommodations, and access to state and local…
Effective Communication and the ADA
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) people with disabilities have the right to participate in all programs, services, and activities. Sometimes people with disabilities need an auxiliary aid to participate in a program or service. For communication to be effective, people with disabilities must be provided with information in a format that they can understand. This workshop will talk…
CIICA Conversations: Young Adults: Access to Music, Theater, Cinema
The Cochlear Implant International Community of Action (CIICA) hosts conversations among small groups to discuss a suggested topic for a short time: one hour. The conversations are facilitated by Community Members, captioned and the summary of the issues which emerged are published on the website afterward. During this conversation, young adult CI users can share their thoughts and experiences…