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Hearing Challenges on the Move

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Hearing Challenges on the Move

I want to hear the announcements in the train station without all the noise and reverberation so that I can more easily understand important information for my commute.

   I like taking the train sometimes, especially when heading to Philadelphia, where driving can get you stuck in traffic for a really... long... time. The 30th Street Train Station in Philadelphia is where I get on and off the Amtrak train, and then use the local trains to get where I’m going.

The Station has towering cathedral ceilings, and it’s noisy and wildly reverberant, like a huge echo chamber. Fortunately, there’s a visual display of the trains’ arrival and departure times hanging high at the center of the ceiling.

Not surprisingly, the audio PA system is completely pointless for me. It’s mostly due to the echoes created by that big space, which are so extreme that none of the announcements are understandable. Even hearing people don’t seem to understand them all the time; I’ve asked more than once and can often be met with a shrug of the shoulders. It’s good that they also have a visual display, but I have to be hyper-vigilant about watching it.

Environments|audio and visual
public spaces

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